What Is ProFlight Simulator?
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For you who like to play the game simulators, you may know about the ProFlight Simulator. This is one of the game that is quite popular nowadays. With its real animation and colors, you will feel as if you really on the air with airplane. There are various situation that you can choose, including the weathers, airplane models, time and many more. You can see the sceneries that are very clear since the ProFlight Simulator is supported by the Google Maps.
This game simulator is popular among the gamers not only because of the animation that close to reality, but also because the excitement when you play the simulator. If you or your friends suffer from high phobia or scared to flight, the ProFlight Simulator might be the solution to handle those phobias. There are more than one hundred airplane models that ready to be chosen, and the good thing is that the game developers always add more options to the game option.